Pre and Post Care Instructions
Following both pre and post care instructions is very important, so you get the best results.
Pre Care
Always keep hydrated, drink lots of water before and after your procedure to help promote healthy skin and healing.
Have a snack or meal before your session, getting tattooed on an empty stomach is no fun.
Please do not ingest any caffeine, vitamin E, alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, or niacin 24hr before your appointment (unless medically necessary). These can cause extra bleeding which can cause poor retention.
Do not have any fillers done 2 weeks pre or post brow session.
Post Care
Day 1-2 Use clean hands and damp cotton swab to gently wipe brows every 2-3 hours. Blow brows dry if they feel damp.
Day 3-7 Use antibacterial soap to gently wash brows in the morning and evening. Use a small amount of ointment as necessary (5 x max).
Day 8-14 Continue using ointment as necessary.
Keep the area dry for 7 days aside from washing. Do not exercise, swim, sunbathe, or sauna for 7-10 days. Do not tan or expose brows to direct sunlight for 4 weeks. Do not use any skincare on brows for 6 weeks. Do not pick or scratch at your eyebrows.
Perfecting session 6-8 weeks.
Pre Care
Always keep hydrated, drink lots of water before and after your procedure to help promote healthy skin and healing.
Have a snack or meal before your session, getting tattooed on an empty stomach is no fun.
Please do not ingest any caffeine, vitamin E, alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, or niacin 24hr before (unless medically necessary). These can cause extra bleeding which can cause poor retention.
Do not have fillers done 4 weeks pre or post lip session.
Please use a gentle lip scrub at night 4-5 days prior to your appointment for 2-3 minutes. Follow with a thick layer of something extra hydrating for the lips, such as coconut oil, Aquaphor, Shea butter or raw honey for 15 minutes.
Avoid lipsticks 72 hours prior to your treatment, they can be drying to the lips. Use a nourishing balm instead!
If you have had cold sores or fever blisters in the past, please contact your physician and get a prescription for Acyclovir. Begin taking this the day of your session as well as the following 4 days to avoid any outbreaks.
Post Care
Please blot your lips gently every hour with a clean paper towel to remove any lymph from the surface. Apply a thin layer of the aftercare provided to keep your lips hydrated. Gently cleanse your lips in the morning and evening with antibacterial soap on the first day.
No application of any lip makeup for 1 week other than the healing balm that is given to you.
No scratching, picking or licking of dry skin or flakiness.
No super spicy foods during the first 24 hours.
No foreign body fluids in or around the lips for 5 days.
No activities that will cause extreme sweating for 5 days.
No swimming pools, hot tubs or other bodies of water for 5 days.
No UV exposure (including tanning booths) for 5 days.
No laser light therapy, as it can darken/lighten or distort the pigment of the lip color.
No exfoliants, retinol acids, glycolic acids and alpha hydroxy acids on the area for 30 days after the appointment (causes premature fading).
No massages, facials or skin treatments for 5 days.
Lip tattoos normally last 2-3 years depending on lifestyle, skin type and aftercare.
Exposure to the sun and tanning beds can cause fading and discoloration of the pigment. Once completely healed, always apply sunscreen (50 SPF or greater) on brow area.
Avoid using chemical exfoliants on the lips, as it will cause fading.
Do not do laser near your lip area (IPL). Some lasers may change the color of the ink.
Additional lip makeup application may still be required post tattoo to achieve your desired look. Lip color tattooing is meant to look natural and add a flushed look. It will not replace lipstick.